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Let me start with two of my favourite quotes...


1. “I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing that I wanted to do.” - Georgia O'Keefe


2. "Compromise? Compromise for what? Compromising for what reason? To compromise for what? What is compromise? " - Eartha Kitt


Both of these quotes have had an enormous impact on my life. Why? Because I realised that in the past I often allowed fear to stop me from doing certain things and that I did make compromises that were not only bad for my own development, but also for the people around me that I loved.


So, I have vowed to never be afraid or to compromise ever again.


Apart from all the other aspects of my life that fuel and fire me, like music and people, I love the photographic work I do and the perspectives I have when I am behind the camera. I don't even ever think of it as "work" – it is more like a flow of a gigantic mass of energy.


When working on an interior I stop and listen to what the room is saying to me; when I photograph people I find the inner smile which is carried to the outside and onto the final photo.


The photo of me was taken by the fantastic JENNER | EGBERTS Foto & Film


ANRI COZA | Photography

0176-323 11 805 




Sierichstr. 20

c/o Very Important Drinks

22301 Hamburg

Thank you for contacting me. I will get back to you shortly!

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